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唐方成  王冉冉 《管理评论》2021,33(11):249-258
平台与互补商的协同专业化对于创新生态系统的构建具有重要作用.然而,平台企业与互补商可能各自具有冲突的或互补的制度逻辑,它们彼此要实现协同创新的目标,就必然在达成协作共识的过程中形成主导型制度逻辑,进而规范双方的创新活动与行为.但是,这种主导型制度逻辑如何产生?它们的作用机制是什么?过去的研究还很少涉及这类问题.本文通过OPPO的案例研究,结果表明:(1)平台与一般互补商合作时,平台的谈判能力相对较强,平台的制度逻辑占据主导地位;(2)平台对瓶颈互补商具有较强的依赖时,互补商拥有较强的谈判能力,平台在两者的合作中会选择妥协,此时互补商的制度逻辑占主导地位;(3)平台与瓶颈互补商的关系是双向依赖时,两方合作形成的制度逻辑是混合逻辑;(4)面对强大的外部制度压力时,平台与互补商的合作会形成或遵循新的制度逻辑.  相似文献   
Strong orthogonal arrays (SOAs) were recently introduced and studied as a class of space‐filling designs for computer experiments. An important problem that has not been addressed in the literature is that of design selection for such arrays. In this article, we conduct a systematic investigation into this problem, and we focus on the most useful SOA(n,m,4,2 + )s and SOA(n,m,4,2)s. This article first addresses the problem of design selection for SOAs of strength 2+ by examining their three‐dimensional projections. Both theoretical and computational results are presented. When SOAs of strength 2+ do not exist, we formulate a general framework for the selection of SOAs of strength 2 by looking at their two‐dimensional projections. The approach is fruitful, as it is applicable when SOAs of strength 2+ do not exist and it gives rise to them when they do. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 302–314; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
The analysis of time series data with detection limits is challenging due to the high‐dimensional integral involved in the likelihood. Existing methods are either computationally demanding or rely on restrictive parametric distributional assumptions. We propose a semiparametric approach, where the temporal dependence is captured by parametric copula, while the marginal distribution is estimated non‐parametrically. Utilizing the properties of copulas, we develop a new copula‐based sequential sampling algorithm, which provides a convenient way to calculate the censored likelihood. Even without full parametric distributional assumptions, the proposed method still allows us to efficiently compute the conditional quantiles of the censored response at a future time point, and thus construct both point and interval predictions. We establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed pseudo maximum likelihood estimator, and demonstrate through simulation and the analysis of a water quality data that the proposed method is more flexible and leads to more accurate predictions than Gaussian‐based methods for non‐normal data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 438–454; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
张延林  邓福祥  唐洪婷 《管理评论》2021,33(11):145-156
现有研究强调数字化创新对企业的战略价值,但学术界对企业如何进行数字化创新的认识却较为有限.借鉴变革型领导理论,本文提出CIO需求方领导力正向影响企业数字化创新水平,同时,CIO结构权力可以增强CIO需求方领导力与企业数字化创新水平的正向关系.此外,从CIO自身技能方面识别出CIO需求方领导力的三个重要前因:战略IT知识、政治悟性以及网络能力.通过采集179份CIO-TMT的企业配对问卷数据进行实证分析,实证结果较好地支持了研究假设.本文提出的假设模型为企业发挥CIO在推进数字化创新中的主导作用提供了理论基础和实践启示.  相似文献   
Our response to the question ‘What is this moment we are caught in?' is articulated through our collaborative reading of Berlant's (2011) Cruel Optimism (Durham, NC: Duke University Press). Cruel optimism, Berlant suggests, is a desire for something that undermines its own potentiality. As queer academics we expose the cruelty of our desires to live a good academic life, and we do so from our different positions as postdoctoral fellow, tenured academic and PhD candidate. In labouring to consolidate relationships and practices that hold the promise of our own sustainability, we give accounts of the material and affective work we perform to constitute what Berlant calls an intimate public, a collective space of mediation that functions as a key tactic to manage our academic life. These accounts take the form of three vignettes, each inflected by the specificities of our different positions and histories of becoming academics. We use Berlant as a point of departure to both interrogate practices of self‐management and find possibilities for a collective response to the moments in which we find ourselves caught.  相似文献   
近年来中日关系逐步转寒回暖,无论政治交流氛围,还是经济合作环境都得到了较大改善,这离不开中国政府根据国际形势及中日关系的变化及时调整对日政策,也充分体现了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义外交思想对中日关系缓和发展的引领作用。在安倍首相访华及习近平主席出席大阪G20峰会之后,两国政府在努力建设契合新时代要求的中日关系上达成多点共识。中日双方将依托“一带一路”倡议和第三方市场合作的平台,进一步致力于深化经济合作,维护多边主义和自由贸易体制,共同培育新动能和新的增长点,加速东北亚区域命运共同体的构建。  相似文献   
We investigate the problem of dynamic optimal capital growth of diversified investment. A general framework that the trader maximize the expected log utility of long-term growth rate of initial wealth was developed. We show that the trader's fortune will exceed any fixed bound when the fraction is chosen less than critical value. But, if the fraction is larger than that value, ruin is almost sure. In order to maximize wealth, we should choose the optimal fraction at each trade. Empirical results with real financial data show the feasible allocation. The larger the fraction and hence the larger the chance of falling below the desired wealth growth path.  相似文献   
段珅  王大海  姚唐  邱琪 《管理科学》2018,31(6):128-144
  形式多样的促销手段成为企业在激烈市场竞争中赢得胜利的重要方式。已有研究涉及的促销方式直接受益实体都是消费者自身,随着消费者社会责任意识的提高,直接受益实体为慈善机构的捐赠促销活动不断出现,然而很少有学者对不同受益实体的促销方式的效果进行比较。         基于信息框架理论和调节定向理论,以打折促销和捐赠促销为研究对象,运用分类变量中介检验和3阶交互效应方法,通过Spss软件中的Process插件进行Bootstrap中介效应分析,解释调节定向在不同自我建构消费者对两种促销方式偏好关系中的中介作用机制,并引入感知风险和感知稀缺两个变量,探究其在自我建构对消费者促销方式偏好影响中的调节作用。         研究结果表明,调节定向在自我建构与促销方式选择的关系中起中介作用,即拥有独立自我建构的消费者认为促进定向信息说服力更强,从而偏好打折促销方式;拥有依存自我建构的消费者认为防御定向信息说服力更强,从而偏好捐赠促销方式。当感知风险较高时,防御定向信息强化依存自我建构的消费者对捐赠促销方式的偏好;当感知风险较低时,促进定向信息强化独立自我建构的消费者对打折促销方式的偏好。当感知稀缺较高时,防御定向信息强化独立自我建构的消费者对打折促销方式的偏好;当感知稀缺较低时,促进定向信息强化依存自我建构的消费者对捐赠促销方式的偏好。         在理论上拓展了信息框架效应的相关研究,揭示了自我建构与调节定向作用关系的适用边界。通过检验不同自我建构消费者对调节定向相匹配的促销信息评价机制,证明促销活动中的匹配机制可使促销效果更佳。在实践上,为企业在不同消费情景下面对不同特点消费者制定相应的促销活动提供了策略指导,从而提升企业的销售利润。  相似文献   
Journal of Population Research - There is an increasing attention on the joint modelling of multiple populations. Populations are related in several ways, such as neighbouring countries, females...  相似文献   
水下测试树是深水测试过程中风险控制的关键性设备,在特殊海况时具有快速断开测试管柱、封堵井下管柱内高压油气以达到保护测试仪器和人员安全以及避免海洋环境污染的作用。通过大量文献资料收集和现场调研,分析了水下测试树的国内外研究现状,详细介绍了国外水下测试树的功能、结构特点、应用情况及国内水下测试树的发展与应用情况。对比分析表明:国外水下测试树现有产品功能强大、性能可靠、适用于不同海洋工况,且不同公司的产品在结构和功能上各具特点。同时,针对国内水下测试树的应用现状,提出了水下测试树国产化的研究思路以及研究开发过程中可能出现的问题,对促进我国海洋石油水下装备自主研发与制造具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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